Monday, July 6, 2015

"Property Tax"


You, your mind, your body and the produce of your labor are NOT taxable.
Sales and excises are taxable events because they are transactions enabled by a free country, and are the lightest impersonal tax possible. When you risk your property and are fortunate enough to make a profit or gain, this is also your property. "Income is the annual profit on capital." -Th. Jefferson 1817. Wages, salaries, and interest are compensation NOT income. Gifts are not taxable. Lotteries are not taxes. Their winnings are income only for foreigners residing within the U.S.
     The 16th Amendment income tax changed none of this. It merely started taxing foreigners for enjoying the profits they could make while residing in this country. This is verified by the income tax statute. In the Code of Federal Regulations Title 26, Subtitle A it says that only "nonresident aliens", "foreign corporations" and "foreign organizations" must pay the tax. The IRS lies to Americans saying they must "pay their taxes". They also coerce Americans into signing W-4s and 1040 forms to make themselves legally liable. 
     When you sign such forms you are claiming to be a foreigner in your own country. You pay your taxes when you pay sales and excise taxes, indirect taxes.
     So-called property taxes are completely illegal and unconstitutional as well.
     Thomas Jefferson even wrote to King George III, "our Saxon ancestors held their lands, as they did their personal property, in absolute dominion, disencumbered with any superior, answering nearly to the nature of those possessions which the feudalists term alloidal."  Feudalists are kings, lords and other royalists who usually claim to own everything. Alloidal, now spelled "allodial" means absolute permanent ownership with no taxes, fees, etc., as in a land grant or land patent.
     He also pointed out that even after William the Conqueror, took over England most of the lands were left in the hands of the subjects with complete allodial title. Americans have the right to allodial title. We have no king.
     Government has no right to put people into permanent debt. 
     Property taxes are a violation of human rights.
     "Property tax" is a misnomer since life, liberty and property cannot be taxed. The correct term is "property extortion".

     The States violate federal land patent law when they taxtort property, not to mention the basic prohibition to not tax "life, liberty and property" which is written throughout the founding documents.
     They have also seceded from the union because they have violated the agreement they signed to become a State in the union. They need to be confronted on this fact.

      The States cannot violate the standards by which they agreed to join the federal union. They MUST agree to land patents so that people can actually OWN THEIR PROPERTY RATHER THAN PAY ETERNAL RENT to the state in the form of "property taxes" which violate "life, liberty and property" rights. Until then they have seceded from the union by default.

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